Sunday, November 29, 2009

What is Bento?

Bento is a Japanese form of packing a lunch. These range in styles, puposes, and techniques. Many of what are focused on are cute bento. Cute bento can provide you with a nicely organized and packed lunch that is visually appealing when you open it.

In America, the closest comparison I can draw would be to Scrapbooking. Women spend time and money preserving their memories in books with expensive papers and cutesy things. This same attitude if applied to food may also pack the most impressive lunch. It's a lot about letting your creativity and fun take over your lunch. Working with your nutritionist, you know how many calories you should be eating each meal. By taking the volume of your desired lunch box, you can corrolate that the calories contained in the box may be about the same as the mL volume of the box.
Find a small box that your heart finds lovely and we will begin to develop ways to fill it in an appealing and hopefully appropriate mannor to get you what you need after bariatric surgery. No on wants to eat pureed food all the time. There are ways to eat small amounts of tasty things to improve your quality of life after the surgery. Just because food is taking on a role of moderation doesn't mean you cannot enjoy what you get.
Our goal here will be to build up some recipes that will portion down into small portions, store well, and be useful in decorating your lunch box. We want you to be excited to have a healthy meal and have some anticipatory joy before opening your lunch. Good Luck! And let us know how we can serve you better!